Omniversalis Wikia

This is a page for ranking timelines or map games, based on quality and how interesting they are. Projects will be rated objectively, rather then subjectively, so your project rating is based on a set scale rather then how good it is compared to others. A timeline must have at least three non-navigation pages to qualify for a rating.

No raging if your Timeline gets a low rating. You may however work on it to improve it, then request a promotion.



The following page has a Stone Ranking.

Please do not edit or alter the ranking assigned to this project. All unauthorized amendment to the ranking may be reverted on discretion. You can propose to change the ranking of this project here.

A Timeline in this category will generally be poorly written, and not interesting. More often then not, many of its pages will be incomplete or outright stubs. In addition to this, many also may possess a poor story, clunkly interface, poor formatting, out-of-place pictures, and lack of understanding of History/OTL. In some cases, these Timelines will also no longer be actively edited, and because of this may be outdated.



The following page has a Bronze Ranking.

Please do not edit or alter the ranking assigned to this project. All unauthorized amendment to the ranking may be reverted on discretion. You can propose to change the ranking of this project here.

A timeline in this category is frequently under heavy construction and has yet to develop into a thriving, interesting plot or story. Thus, they would have a developing characteristic. Bronze timelines both show potential, promise, and could be expanded on.




The following page has a Silver Ranking.

Please do not edit or alter the ranking assigned to this project. All unauthorized amendment to the ranking may be reverted on discretion. You can propose to change the ranking of this project here.

A Timeline in this category will generally be relatively well written, and have an interesting concept. Timelines in this category should have less than 15 stubs, barring those actively being worked on. Timelines are more likely to fall into this category with a practical, underused, interesting Point of Divergence. 




The following page has a Gold Ranking.

Please do not edit or alter the ranking assigned to this project. All unauthorized amendment to the ranking may be reverted on discretion. You can propose to change the ranking of this project here.

A Timeline in this category will be very well written, and have a interesting and entertaining Timeline. Timelines in this category should have virtually no stubs or incomplete pages, interesting, captivating, and thourough plot or story.Gold Timelines must have more than 30 non-navigation pages, although this requirement has several exceptions. Timelines in this category are also eligible to become a Featured Timeline.



Gold Timelines[]


The following page has a Featured

Please do not edit or alter the ranking assigned to this project. All unauthorized amendment to the ranking may be reverted on discretion. You can propose to change the ranking of this project here.

A Timeline is this category is near perfect, has an extraordinary, hypnotizing, and captivating Timeline. Timeline in this category should have no stubs. Featured timelines must have more than 40 non-navigation pages, although this requirement has exceptions. These timelines are most easily seen and are on display on the front page of the wiki on rotation once every 2 weeks.


Featured Timelines[]


This is the only map game rank. A map game that obtains this rank must have more than 12 players. Antique timelines also must have a competent team of moderators, regulated, standardized, and good-looking maps. Among these, an Antique map game must last longer than 80 days.


Antique Timelines[]
